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?I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I?ll go to it laughing.? A reflective Ismael is the lens through which maniacal Ahab?s quest comes to life. Ahab is the captain of the whaling ship Pequod, and Moby Dick, the giant white sperm whale bit off his leg on the ship?s previous voyage. What ensues is a mad quest against the whale and the perceived dangers of wildlife. Through this journey Ismael raises many thoughts about man versus nature, and the nature of obsession with one?s own purpose. Ismael?s perspective creates an out of body experience for the reader, as he himself is an observer of man?s passionate extremes. Will Ahab come out more enlightened about fate, the human struggle, and the forces of nature? The witty, thrilling and adventurous reads gives immense chances to laugh and look within!

Author Herman Melville
Publisher Penguin Modern Classics
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Fiction Classic
ISBN13 9789815202830
SKU BK 0182540

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