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Modern Text Book Of Zoology : Invertebrates

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1. Animal Diversity and Taxonomy 2. The Invertebrates: An Introduction;SUB KINGDOM PROTOZOA - 3. Euglena viridis; 4. Trypanosoma gambiense; 5. Leishmania donovani; 6. Amoeba proteus; 7. Entamoeba histolytica; 8. Elphidium crispum (Polystomella crispa); 9. Plasmodium vivax: The Malaria Parasite; 10. Monocystis agilis; 11. Eimeria tenella; 12. Paramecium caudatum: The Slipper Animalcule; 13. Vorticella : The Bell Animalcule; 14. Protozoa : Characters, Classification & Types: 15. Protozoa: General Account ; SUB KINGDOM METAZOA — 16. Organization of Metazoa; 17. Origin of Metazoa; 18. Origin of Bilateria; LOWER INVERTEBRATES — 19. Leucosolenia : An Asconoid Sponge; 20. Scypha (=Sycon): A Syconoid Sponge; 21. Porifera: Characters, Classification & Types; 22. Porifera: General Account; 23. Hydra; 24. Obelia : A Sea Fur; 25. Aurelia: A Jelly-Fish; 26. Metridium: A Sea Anemone; 27. Coelenterata : Characters, Classification & Types; 28. Coelenterata : General Account; 29. Ctenophora; 30. Dugesia (Euplanaria): A Planarian Regeneration; 31. Faciola hepatica: The Sheep Liverfluke; 32. Taenia solium : The Pork Tapeworm; 33. Platyhelminthes : Characters, Classification & Types; 34. Super Phylum Aschel- minthes : The Pseudocoelomate Phyla; 35. Ascaris lumbricoides: The Common Roundworm; 36. Ancylostoma duodenale: The Common Hookworm; 37. Wuchereria bancrofti; 38. Nematoda : Characters, Classification & Types; 39. Helminthes : General Account; HIGHER INVERTEBRATES – 40. Neanthes or Nereis; 41. Pheretima posthuma : The Indian Earthworm; 42. Hirudinaria granulosa : The Indian Cattle Leech; 43. Annelida: Characters, Classification & Types; 44. Annelida : General Account; 45. Palaemon (=Macrobrachium) malcolsonii : The Indian Fresh water Prawan; 46. Palamnaeus : Indian Scorpion; 47. Periplaneta americana : The Common Cockroach; 48. Grasshopper or Locust; 49. Musca domestica : The Housefly; 50. Culex and Anophelis : The Mosquitoes; 51. Apis : The Honey Bee; 52. Bombyx mori : The Silkworm; 53. Arthropoda : Characters, Classification & Types; 54. Arthropoda : General Account; 55. Peripatus; 56. Pila : The Apple Snail; 57. Unio (Lamellidens) : Freshwater Mussel; 58. Neopilina; 59. Sepia : The Cuttle Fish; 60. Mollusca; Characters, Classification & Types; 61. Mollusca : General Account; 62. Asterias : A Sea Star; 63. Echinodermata: Characters, Classification & Types; 64. Echinodermata: General Account; 65. Balanoglossus: A Tongue Worm; 66. Hemichordata, Characters, Classification & Types; Glossary ; Selected References.

Author R. L. Kotpal
Publisher Rastogi Publications
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Main Category Science & Mathematics, Biology & Life Sciences
Sub Category Zoology
ISBN13 9788193887554
SKU BK 0008957

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