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Objective General English

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" The General English section is asked in almost every competitive examination like NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, MTS, LDC), Bank (PO & Clerk), Hotel Management, MBA, MCA, UPSC, Bed Exams, etc. It is important to know the concepts of General English to clear any competitive examination as well as to communicate with ease in this fast modernising world. The present book has been divided into four parts namely Part A: Foundation Module, Part B: Verbal Ability, Part C and Part D: Practical Grammar, each divided into number of chapters as per the syllabi of General English asked in various competitive examinations. Part ‘A’ has been divided into six units covering Tenses, Modals, Clause Analysis, Articles, Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb, Prepositions, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms & Phrases, Spotting Errors, etc whereas Part B covers Paronyms & Homonyms, One Word Substitutions, Synonyms & Antonyms, Cloze Test, etc. Part C covers Sequence of Sentences and Objective Comprehension and Part D covers Narration, Synthesis, Transformation, Punctuation, Spelling Rules and Contractions. The present edition of Objective General English will help you in identifying your preparation and in directing you towards your goal. As the book thoroughly covers the General English section asked in a number of competitive examinations, it for sure will work as a preparation booster for various competitive examinations like Bank (PO & Clerk), NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, MTS, LDC), MBA, Hotel Management, MCA, UPSC, BEd Exams, etc. "

Author R. S. Aggarwal, Vikas Aggarwal
Publisher S. Chand Publishing
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Entrance Examination Main Category Banking, UPSC
Entrance Examination Sub Category Civil Services, Indian Engineering Services IES, National Defence Academy NDA, Combined Medical Services Examination, Special Class Railway Apprentice SCRA, IBPS PO, Combined Defence Service CDS, Central Armed Police Forces CAPF, Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Examination, Indian Forest Service IFoS
ISBN13 9789352832217
SKU BK 0001021

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