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Medical Administration is emerging as a speciality in its own right. This book is aimed at medical as well as non-medical personnel with medical and administrative responsibilities but with little or no exposure in these matters. It will also broaden the outlook of students of Hospital Administration as well as practising Medical Administrators.As an essential part of medical care system, the hospital has to play an active role and planners and administrators need basic information on the problems related to management and administration of hospital. This book is an attempt to meet these needs by bringing together much of the knowledge pertaining to hospital in a compact form for all those interested in better medical care. The book covers the major medical care problems, planning and designing of hospitals, effective approaches to management of resources, patient care management, administrative systems, marketing of health services, financial system, techniques of cost reduction, control of hospital infection, management of drugs and equipment, evaluation of performance of hospitals and ethical and legal aspects in the light of Consumer Protection Legislation.
Author | B. M. Sakharkar |
Publisher | Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. |
Language | English |
Binding Type | Paper Back |
Main Category | Art & Humanities |
Sub Category | Hospitality & Management |
ISBN13 | 9788184486322 |
SKU | BK 0007161 |
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