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Textbook Of Operation Theatre Technology

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This textbook specially designed for OT Staff including Surgeons, OT Technicians, Scrub and Circulatory Nurses and other Paramedical Professionals. The profound efforts are made for this book to provide all-embracing knowledge about design and pattern of OT, basic requirements of surgical and other equipments and procedures conducted in OT. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK ARE: This textbook has been carefully written to ensure a lower reading label, more reader friendly and understandable contents than ever. Contains all major Surgeries Covers all the areas of Operation Theatre. This book organized in 7 Sections: 1. Anatomy and Physiology; 2. Biochemistry; 3. Microbiology; 4. Operation Theatre; 5. Anesthesia; 6. Emergency Procedures; 7. Pharmacology Relevant short questions and long questions along with multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks and true/false with answer keys are added to help the readers in preparing for the examination. Coloured diagrams of anatomy & physiology, instruments and many surgical procedures for better understanding of topic.

Author M. P. Sharma
Publisher AITBS Publishers
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Main Category Medical
ISBN13 9789374737170
SKU BK 0188010

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