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The Power Of Curiosity : In And Beyond Classrooms

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This work of fiction is about the new and unorthodox ways of learning and the role that curiosity plays in it. Cuebee, the protagonist, represents the quintessential child, while Frontal, the archetypal classroom, is the storyteller. Like many other children, Cuebee has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and inquisitiveness that surpasses the boundaries of the curriculum. The authors of the book explore the idea that children like Cuebee can often learn more through unconventional means, beyond textbooks, curricula, and classrooms. Can a car ever become a part of the learning ecosystem? Can research be undertaken by eight-year-olds? Frontal is waiting to take you on an unusual but joyful journey of teaching and learning.

Author Anita Karwal
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Fiction Modern Fiction
ISBN13 9789356296671
SKU BK 0152590

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