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The Secret Garden is a beloved classic that transports readers into a magical world of imagination and transformation. Written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, this enchanting tale follows the adventures of Mary Lennox, a young girl who discovers a hidden garden within the walls of her uncle's grand estate. As Mary nurtures the neglected garden, she unlocks not only its mysteries but also her own inner strength and resilience. With its captivating storytelling and vivid descriptions, this timeless novel captivates readers of all ages and reminds us of the power of nature and the beauty of friendship. Captivating tale of a hidden garden and personal growth Explores themes of nature, resilience, and friendship Takes readers on a magical journey of imagination Engages readers of all ages with its enchanting storytelling A beloved classic that stands the test of time.
Author | Frances Hodgson Burnett |
Publisher | Fingerprint Publishing |
Language | English |
Binding Type | Hardcover |
Fiction | Classic |
ISBN13 | 9789358562132 |
SKU | BK 0158672 |
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