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And They Lived...Ever After

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Meet a deaf Snow White, a wheelchair-using Rapunzel, a neurodivergent Ugly Duckling. In a world where fairy tales usually demonize characters who live with disability, these and other fairy-tale characters challenge our understanding of the people around us. The authors of this collection seek to retell classic stories by weaving in their own everyday experiences-the struggles, joys and frustrations that may not be known to the non-disabled. And They Lived ... Ever After grew out of a programme organized by Rising Flame, an award-winning non-profit that seeks to build an inclusive world in which diverse bodies, minds and voices thrive with dignity and live free of discrimination, abuse and violence. This book is every bit as enchanting as it is important.

Author Rising Flame
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Fiction Classic
ISBN13 9789356996403
SKU BK 0174836

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