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The following features are worth nothing in the present text: The illustrations and assignment material has been made to conform to the requirements of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013. The relevant problems/ solutions has also been revised. The revised revision of Paragraph 14 of Accounting Standards ? 4 concerning Financial Statements regarding Proposed final dividend has been incorporated at relevant pages and the illustrations amended accordingly. The relevant provisions of Ind AS ? 7: Statements of Cash Flows dealing with Bank Overdraft and Proposed Dividend have also been taken care of in this book. In the chapter of Redemption of Debentures, the treatment of interest on Debenture Redemption Funds Investments or Profit (or Loss) on the sale of DRFI have been also summerised in the chapter. All chapters have been revised and udapted. Problem of each chapter have been suitably graded and edited to include questions of topical interest. We are confident that the book in its revised form will be more useful for B.Com (Pass and Hons.), M.Com, M.B.A., C.A., I.P.C.E, C.A.(Final), I.C.M.A. (Stage II) and Company Secretaries (Executive Programme) Examinations.
Author | R. L. Gupta, M. Radhaswamy |
Publisher | Sultan Chand & Sons |
Language | English |
Binding Type | Paper Back |
Main Category | Commerce & Business |
Sub Category | Accountancy |
ISBN13 | 9789351611790 |
SKU | BK 0167082 |
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