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Main Jadoo Hoon Chal Jaunga

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?Those arrangements do not happen. , , This is the first line of the very first poem written by Anand Bakshi and after this, the struggle of life to make a career in songs and music, poems started appearing everywhere in work and personal life and poetry was also such that their path was easy. Kept making it. Anand Bakshi Sahab knew that without love, life is colorless and dull, that is why he has given the message of love in most of his songs. Rainbow colors of love are present in all the songs, poems, ghazals etc. of Bakshi Saheb published in this poetry collection. Anand Bakshi Sahab has tried his best to transform the moonless nights of people's lives into moonlit nights through these poems. This poetry collection is capable of inspiring one to compete and win by being courageous instead of running away in life.

Author Rakesh Anand Bakshi
Publisher Penguin Books
Language Hindi
Binding Type Paper Back
Non Fiction Biographies & Autobiographies
ISBN13 9780670094714
SKU BK 0175228

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