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In this suspenseful new international thriller from Matthew Quirk, a CIA agent searches for an old enemy. Dangerous opponents and games Sam Hudson, a CIA agent, has been looking for Konstantin, a Russian deep cover agent who has committed multiple killings on US and UK soil, for years. He has finally found Konstantin in Geneva. However, just as Sam is about to receive crucial information, his source is ambushed and barely escapes with his life. The authorities back in the United States want Sam to stop being so obsessed with Konstantin, but Sam can't let a man who has killed so many people walk away once more. Sam discovers Konstantin has followed him to the US when a strange caller teases him just before an attack in Washington, D.C. collaborating with fellow CIA agent Emily Pierce, Sam sets out to find the killer. But every way he turns there are obstacles, and he begins to wonder if Konstantin has someone helping him on the inside. With the threat looming ever larger, Sam must use all his training and nerve to bring Konstantin down ? before Konstantin brings down the nation's capital.
Author | Matthew Quirk |
Publisher | Head Of Zeus |
Language | English |
Binding Type | Paper Back |
Fiction | Crime, Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN13 | 9781803284750 |
SKU | BK 0142163 |
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