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Sales And Distribution Management : Decisions, Strategies, And Cases

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The seventh edition of the book builds on the strengths of the sixth edition ? which was aimed toward accomplishing three objectives ? To delineate the areas in which sales managers make decisions; To analyze decision alternatives and criteria in these areas; and To provide cases as real-world illustrations of decision situations. These objectives will be accomplished if readers understand the sales manager?s functions in diverse circumstances. This edition focuses on post-pandemic sales and distribution management. The main perspective is that of the sales executive as a participant in the marketing management team. Sales managers participate in and sometimes are primarily or jointly accountable for formulating strategies for the product line, pricing, physical distribution

Author Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff, Norman A. P. Govoni, Sandeep Puri
Publisher Pearson Education
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Main Category Commerce & Business
Sub Category Management
ISBN13 9789361593994
SKU BK 0175289

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