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The Big Book Of Mountain Tales

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?High in the spruce tree the barbet calls, heralding summer. A few puffy clouds drift lazily over the mountains. Is this the great escape?? As we move along at a fast pace, there are very few things that offer solace from the hustle-bustle. Out of these things, there is nothing quite like the fresh mountain air or a breeze from the forest to revive one?s spirits and rekindle some hope. The Big Book of Mountain Tales gives you a chance to carry some of that mountain joy home with you. This collection of Ruskin Bond?s cherished stories is sure to transport you to the mountains and revive your sense of adventure. Bond?s evocative and engaging prose combined with some lively and vivid imagery are bound to bring a smile on your face.

Author Ruskin Bond
Publisher Rupa Publications India
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Age Group 9-12 Years
ISBN13 9789361566578
SKU BK 0175953

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