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A Shropshire Lad

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?First published in 1896, A.E. Housman?s best-loved collection of poetry is a poignant exploration of love, loss, the inevitable passage of time and the fragility of life. Using elegant melodic simplicity, Housman?s poems arouse profound emotional resonance through their portrayal of an idyllic rural England, evoking a sense of nostalgia and longing for times gone by. A Shropshire Lad became popular with young British soldiers during the First World War and is now widely considered a classic work of English poetry. With lyrical beauty and universal themes, these 63 poems have inspired generations of readers across the world.

Author A. E. Housman
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Fiction Classic
ISBN13 9780008619992
SKU BK 0175769

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