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Dr. Cuterus : Everything Nobody Tells You About Your Body

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Whatever kind of bits you have, the 'private' bits between our legs often leave us with... a lot of feelings and a lot of questions. Is it large enough? Is it too large? What's the deal with the darkness? And you're hairy? How are babies created? What causes period pain? Your body is a wonderland, as John Mayer so beautifully sang, but in the land of the Kama Sutra, we often forget this. Words like vagina, clitoris, penis, and scrotum often perplex and embarrass people. Perhaps even you, dear reader? Despite the fact that everyone has a body, no one wants to talk about it. Especially the "private" parts. We have nowhere to go to learn and understand our bodies with so much shame and stigma. Instead of a lovely, technicolour musical,

Author Tanaya Narendra
Publisher Penguin Random House
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Non Fiction Health & Fitness
ISBN13 9780143455707
SKU BK 0136062

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