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Fatal To Fearless : 12 Steps To Beating Cancer In A Broken Medical System

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Twenty-five years ago, Kathryn Giusti was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and given three years to live. With a young child, a happy marriage, and a successful career, Giusti had too much to live for. An ?impatient patient,? she overcame her fear and got to work, learning to advocate for her own care. This book is the result of all she?s learned about how to get the best result from America?s opaque and sometimes impossible-to-navigate health care system. Fatal to Fearless tells the story of how Giusti took on the system and turned it to her advantage not once but twice when she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. It is a crash course in surviving a grim diagnosis, organized around twelve simple steps, with practical tips for everything from how to build your healthcare team and learning which online sources to trust, to understanding the science and identifying which tests to ask for in the new genomic era and how to access the treatments and studies that could save your life. At its center is a gripping personal story that reveals difficult, yet honest truths about illness, family, friendship, marriage, and the business of medicine. Giusti lays bare her soul as she walks you through the steps for handling any diagnosis, and includes insights from medicine?s top insiders, therapists, religious leaders, nurses, and others on the frontlines of physical and spiritual healing and care. Sick people deserve a fighting chance. Giusti?s mission to democratize medicine?and healthcare?has never been more imperative, or more urgent. Hopeful, wise, and packed with hard-won knowledge, this book gives you the concrete tools and inspiration to save your life as you live it.

Author Kathy Giusti
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers
Language English
Binding Type Paper Back
Non Fiction Health & Fitness
ISBN13 9780063413436
SKU BK 0174493

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